Friday, January 12, 2007

A Few Minutes To Myself

The husband is bowling, son is at school and the baby is napping - so I have a few minutes to myself. I know there's things I should be doing, like another load of laundry or cleaning up the bedroom, but I just feel like sitting here for a few minutes.
I'm working on a stock-up list in Excel. We used to use something like it when I worked at the restaurant to ensure we did not run out of product before the truck came again. So, I have made a list of all the products we use that are non-food. I labeled each category at the top - for example: Baby, Bathroom, Cleaning, etc.. My goal in doing this is to only shop once a month for these products. I figure the less time I spend in Walmart (or wherever) the less chance I will buy extra stuff. For the first few months it may be a little hard to figure out how much we use in a month, but after a while I'll know how much we use. I plan on buying extra then we need for the first few months. I will start this next week after the husband gets paid and will post how it is going.
Here's a tip for saving a little toilet paper. You know how kids (and some adults) use way too much toilet paper? Well, all you have to do is when you put a new roll on squish it. This will make it harder to pull and your kid won't be taking using half the roll....


Fratzels said...

Great blog....check out my blog...maybe we could swap links.

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